A relationship disaster

Once a boy and a girl met in a café, the girl was very short and blonde, she was 20 years old and the boy was the opposirte. He was basically tall recently, had black hair and he was 24 years old. They had been arguing a lot and little by little and as everything was getting better, they decided to get married. 

They went to Turkey for their heneymoon, they stayed 1 week, a few months after they come back, the girl met another man and he was also unfaithful to her. She was hiding form him until her husband told her that something was wrong . Finally the gril told him that she was with another boy, her husband angry and kick her out of the house. 

Each one decided to live their own lives and not know srop seeins in the end each other. The boy founs the woman who truly loved him. 


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